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[E] Dirty_Like_A_Boss
[E] Dirty_Like_A_Boss
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over 13 years ago
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over 12 years ago
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I got banned then they said they would unban me saturday. I gave it some time and im still not unbanned. Thanks
over 12 years ago
Alright cool thanks
over 12 years ago
Username: Dirty_miner21 When you were banned : no idea Person who banned you: I got no idea Reason you were banned: X-Ray mod I admit to this, and used it to get about 5 dia. I'm not gonna try to sugar coat it, im sorry and wont use it again. Will return all Dia.
over 12 years ago
Minecraft IGN: Dirty_miner21 Age (Prefer 16+): 17 Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): Arizona Time (Not a joke) Hours per week you play(average) AND how long have you been in MineTown (Needs to be More than 2 months) : I have been on minetown for 5 months, usually on an hour a day. Friends in Minetown : Everybody who has a account! Have you ever been banned before? Why?: Yes, misunderstood advertising Do you have any ideas for future events?: PvP, Songs, Building competitions, Shooing spawned animals in the air with a bow, cake making competitions! And maybe some long term ones! Have you done any unofficial events? Please provide screenshots: Yeah! some maze, and I helped out motoring one. Sadly I'm at my dads, and cannot provide a photo. I will add some when I get home. Have you ever helped staff with events?: I've donated to everyone that has been started. Can you use Mumble(this is necessary): Yes, I used to own my own. I'm on it a lot! Do you have any experience using World Edit and region flags?: Yes, I am a master with word edit and world guard. Why do you think you will make a good Events Member? Explain.: I think out of the box, and have tons of special events, I'm always on, and love participating in them myself! Why should we consider you for the event team: Like I said above, I am always on and I love to help people out! I love MT and there creative thinking, I want to take part in it to! Additional info you would like to tell us?: Even if I don't get accepted, please message me! I have ton's of new idea's if you guys are stumped! Just message me in game, or on mumble!
over 12 years ago
Faction Name: Glaze Faction Abbreviation: None Faction Type: Building, mining, and Supplying Faction Leader: Dirty_miner21 Faction Members: None yet Faction Alliances: We glaze! Faction PVP Status: Nope Faction Grief Status: Nope Recruitment Status: Yes Misc: We do really big projects!
over 12 years ago